Today is my birthday, the big 30, I'm not into big parties, I like quiet birthdays with Eric and the girls and how they make me feel special. Today they spoiled me and got me the new camera I have wanted for ages and so I bid farewell to my old trusty camera that I have loved for over 3 years, my 3 mega pixel has been replaced with an awesome new 8 mega pixel cannon powershot digital elph, its wonderful. Thank-you to all of my friends who called and wished me a happy birthday, it makes me feel special to know that you thought of me. I also have the sweetest in-laws, they gave me cash and I went to The Citadel today and bought a Le Creuset pot that I have been coveting for quite a while.
Here is my new camera in action capturing my two angels, I was really hoping that they would both nap today and at the same time but that wish was way to big, neither of them napped, poor Sara is just having a rotten time with her new teeth, one has broken through and another one is following closely behind. Kate loved having her picture taken with my new camera, she had just gotten out of the bath as she had thrown up at the outlets. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and I can dream big again about the naps - see all of my 30 year old wisdom is already kicking in!!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have had a good day. Poor Sara and her teeth! Hopefully they feel better quick. Thats awesome you got a neat camera. Can't wait to see more picts of the girls. Thanks for always including me! You are so great! Happy Happy Birthday!!
Happy 30th Claire! I just turned 30 about a week ago, too! I think it will be a good decade :)
Happy Birthday!! Your new camera looks pretty amazing! Maybe Kate and Sara will nap at the same time on your next brithday. Alright, probably not. Happy birthday anyway!
Hi Claire! It's Renee. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope all your birthday wishes came true. Have fun with your new gifts.
Happy Happy Birthday Claire! The 30's are fabulous!
YAY!!! Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday. I'll be 30 in a few months too.
Happy Happy Birthday Claire!!! Your new camera seems nice.. so so fun I love it! I hope that everything was perfect for you and sorry I didn' call but I didn't know!
Happy Birthday, cute kids, nice camera....
But I WANT that POT!
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