A little of what the Thompson's are up to.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Baby Wise

I had the privilege of taking the Wises' dinner after the arrival of little Noah. I don't believe that all babies are born beautiful, mine were of course, but let me tell you this, he is one handsome little man. I got to hold him and watch his little expressions and that adorable way newborns smile and look like they are almost giggling in their sleep. He really is gorgeous, call Jane Olsen and sign up to take Jen dinner just so you can go check him out. Good job Wises' he's perfect.


Rachel said...

oh....i wish i could take them dinner and hold little Naoh too! why couldn't he have come a couple weeks earlier?

Jen said...

You are the sweetest, thank you so much! I will say, I cannot get over his little self, what a beautiful boy. He told me he liked your accent too. ;) We loved your dinner by the way..YUM!! I promise to update the blog today, promise promise! Pics and everything!