A little of what the Thompson's are up to.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Day

Sunday brought me a difficult decision, go to church or spend the day with my family, I love going to church but I decided on the latter, my brother only has his kids every Sat afternoon until Sunday afternoon and so we played hookey and went out to Park Fold Open Farm, a cute little farm with animals to feed and a few different play areas. Before we were ready to leave Kate had a quick game of darts with Mikey and Sara and Gabrielle played inside the house.

At the farm they had pigs, donkeys, goats and reindeer to feed. The girls were a little too scared to put the feed on their hands and feed the animals, they went for just throwing handfuls of it on the floor. Mikey wasn't scared at all.

Sara and Gabby in the straw maze and Kate by some quail, q is often for quail in alphabet books so at least Kate has actually seen a real one.

There were guinea pigs to pet, all the kids loved this. Kate had Cinders and Sara held Maple.

Mini tractors to ride, such fun.

Boys will be boys!!
Uncles and cousins.

On the big tractor ride.

Fun playground at the park, Kate especially loved the tyre thing.

Pony rides.

And we ended the day with a late lunch at my dads golf club, this is the whole of my family that I have left on this earth, it was a good day.

1 comment:

brookeisacrazylady said...

O Claire, I'm so glad you got to see your family. i hope to one day meet your brothers out here! the cousins were perfectly planned in ages with your girls. how great.