A little of what the Thompson's are up to.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


This is what we did Christmas Eve

Kate's favourite part: when Mary Poppins floated up over the audience at the end

Sara's favourite part: during 'chim chim cher-ee' when Bert walked up the side of the stage and across the top and down the other side.

It was fun, not like the movie but it worked.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

I had many grand ideas for cards this year, needless to say it didn't happen as I had planned, the time is flying by these days and I can't keep up. All that said I mailed something today, they probably won't arrive before Christmas but that's just how the cookie crumbles, I didn't have every one's addresses either, so for all of you who check my blog, Merry Christmas from the Thompson's, we feel blessed if you count us as amongst your friends.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


So the other day whilst I need the girls to be occupied for a little while I suggested to Kate that she write a letter to Santa from her and Sara, here is what she came up with (she's 5)...
Kate loves tigers and Eric was sharing this with his boss Dean, when he went into work today he found this in his chairEric and I feel so blessed to know such amazing and generous people, THANK-YOU Dean, I think Kate will be one of the happiest girls around on Christmas morning.