You know how you go to Costco and buy things in bulk, well this post is kinda a bulk type of post, I have had a few things to blog about lately but never make the time and then it just gets harder to make the time as I know its going to take longer as I've now go so many more things to put in my post. Make any sense? for example have I posted Sara's 1st haircut that she got more than a month ago? Anyway, can't go back that far but here are some pics of the goings on around here:
My desk - a tag from Rebecca's blog, I'm not really into the tagging thing but I thought this was a fun one, the place where we blog from, here is a picture of mine, its actually pretty clean. I usually have all sorts of papers around as I can't throw anything away until I've been through it, magazines, rebate's and I make lists of all kinds of things so they are usually lying around too. My computer is also in kind of a weird spot as Eric changed up a closet in the hallway going into our room to house it, mostly because the "office" room is so far away, this way I can blog and be close to my girls room, the kitchen etc etc.
So I was kinda thinking that the above pictures maybe technically be my "desk" the place where I type from but in reality I think this is my desk because this is really where I do most of my work. Its never really as clean as I want it to be, ces't la vie.
Like creating cupcake pops - and let me say Bakerella I'm not - but I am a tryer and I saw these on Brooke's blog who referenced Bakerella's blog and I knew I had to try them, its just a me thing to do. So I tried them and they turned out cute I think. Fun to create and fun to share it with my little girl who helped put the M&M's and sprinkles on each one. The pink ones are Bakerella's and the blue ones mine, its pretty obvious but I just thought I'd put it out there.

And spinach pesto, I made this and just tossed a few spoonfuls onto some warm whole wheat pasta and it was a delicious meal, it was just baby spinach, basil, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and a clove of garlic. The recipe also called for pine nuts but I didn't have any and I suspect Eric may be allergic, it tasted fine without them and its one of my new faves for dinner, very quick and easy.
It has been super hot and so the pool warmed up quite nicely, Kate is a great little swimmer and Sara is loving the water too.
Forts - Kate has just gotten into fort building and always asks daddy to build her a fort, this is the latest creation.
The girls love to paint, Sara especially loves to paint, the paper, herself, it really doesn't matter!!
Sara's haircut - actually they both got a trim - could I really finish this any other way?
What a FUN post Claire! Your kids are so cute and I am always amazed by your cooking talent. I love that you can't really tell your own picture from the cookbook picture - because you are THAT good!
Thank you for doing the Tag! I always imagined you blogging using your TV and not a computer, so this was a surprise! :)
Keep blogging Claire - your posts are so much fun to read!
Time does fly doesn't it? Those cupcake things look delish!! I want to eat BOTH pictures!
You're awesome!!
you need to email paul about those cake pops. he will love them. they are gorgeous and i want to eat them. love the haircuts and i need to snag some pesto for you. i cute girl is re-moving into your ward named jill and you are going to love her.
SHUT UP!! those cupcake pops are the cutest thing i have ever seen!! and thank you so much for the bakearella website! I love to bake and I'm an amature cake decorator and constantly looking for new inspiration and ideas!
Did you have a chance to check out ebfriends? You asked how I found you - I signed up for google alerts - everytime EB is mentioned on the internet it emails me - you mentioned EB in you last post and i got an email. I just thought that I would pass on the website because it has become an invaluable resource for me lately and hopefully it can help you too - or you can help someone else!
Those Cupcakes are the cutest things ever, you will have to teach me. Thanks for letting us stay at your place last week!
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