It was bad, worse than bad, terrible. All I can say is if I had driven myself to the theater I would have left. Did you see it? what did you think?
"Meyer is said to have been involved in the production of 'Twilight,' but her novel was substantially more absorbing than the unintentionally funny and quickly forgettable film," remarks Claudia Puig in her USA Today review.
"Much of what made the relationship between Edward and the smitten Bella Swan work in Meyer's breezy book has been stripped away on screen," says Christy Lemire at The Associated Press, observing that the chemistry between Pattinson and Stewart simmers rather than boils. "The funny, lively banter — the way in which Edward and Bella teased and toyed with one another about their respective immortality and humanity — is pretty much completely gone, and all that's left is a slog of adolescent angst." Luke Y. Thompson asks, "What the hell was that I just watched?"