It was bad, worse than bad, terrible. All I can say is if I had driven myself to the theater I would have left. Did you see it? what did you think?
"Meyer is said to have been involved in the production of 'Twilight,' but her novel was substantially more absorbing than the unintentionally funny and quickly forgettable film," remarks Claudia Puig in her USA Today review.
"Much of what made the relationship between Edward and the smitten Bella Swan work in Meyer's breezy book has been stripped away on screen," says Christy Lemire at The Associated Press, observing that the chemistry between Pattinson and Stewart simmers rather than boils. "The funny, lively banter — the way in which Edward and Bella teased and toyed with one another about their respective immortality and humanity — is pretty much completely gone, and all that's left is a slog of adolescent angst." Luke Y. Thompson asks, "What the hell was that I just watched?"
Dan and I saw it Saturday night. I found it pretty horrible too. Well, cheesy, but slightly fun at times. The problem is, the picked the worst person to direct it. The woman who directed it had only previously directed a little film called Thirteen. The effects were horrible, which surprised me because ILM did the effects (that's George Lucas' company). Some of the casting I couldn't stand --- mainly Rosalie. She should have been super hot, but she wasn't. The reason she was cast is because she worked with the director in the film Thirteen. I liked the actors who played Edward and Bella, I just thought that the film could have been so much more and it wasn't. They only gave it a budget of $37 million and it made all that back in one day. It should have had a bigger budget. Did you see the cameo with Stephenie Meyers??? I barely caught that! Did you notice the not-so-subtle homage to the picture on the front of the book when Edward catches an apple in his hands? Anyway, all I can say is that for how much money it made just over this past weekend, you know they're going to make a sequel, and it better be WAY better than this one.
I agree with Sarah's critique - but I overall I enjoyed it and didn't have high expectations to start out. I mean, I laughed out loud sometimes when I read the book, so what did I expect when I saw the movie??? I am so glad I saw it twice. The second time was SO MUCH BETTER b/c I could just enjoy and watch instead of being the constant critic and thinking "they changed this and that, or it wasn't like this in the book". I heart Edward, too. :) And I loved Charlie, Carlisle, Jacob. Bella was okay. Direction - not good. Rosalie - bad.
amen to sarah and beth's comments. rosalie was nowhere near as good looking as she should have been. the book was just SO superior to the movie. i knew it would be, but i hoped to be pleasantly surprised. robert pattinson is not hot enough to be edward either. he just doesn't do it for me and edward in the books definitely does! too much info? maybe.
fire the director! remake remake. same cast..but get a new james and jasper while you are at with rosalie.
I love that you all agree with me, I think they have to get a new director for the next one and there is no way Rosalie was as hot as she is made out to be. Beth - I'm not sure how you could stand to see this twice! and Rachel i totally agree that Edward just did not cut the part in the movie, Edward is so smooth and always in control. I thought the cathing of the apple was kinda cute.
I saw it too. LAUGHED so much, especially the whole first half. Thought it was a bad movie but still ended up liking it, because as embarrassing it was to be there- it still felt like seeing old friends or something weird like that. I also expected it to be kind of bad. Some things really didn't translate well onto film- his skin for instance...
I also didn't like Rosalie, should've gotten a real blonde rather than dyed and paled someone with darker features. Jasper always looked confused rather than pained with inner struggles. I also didn't really like how Alice's hair was in the movies- looked a little like a dated country singer hairstyle, I expected her to be more cutting edge. She looks WAY better in the press photos on IMDB. But that's getting a little nitpicky i guess.
And WHAT WAS WITH Edward's "I'm going to be sick with repulsion" expression at the science lab...
The best part of the whole movie was the slow kiss bedroom scene. that was exactly straight from the book tension in my opinion.
Happy Thanksgiving!
PS- I'm going to England in a week... I might try to email you to ask some must not miss while in England recommendations.
I agree with everyone...except (look wise) I liked Edward BUT like Clarie B said, the whole science lab scene was AWFUL! I pictured Rosalie to be a drop dead gorgeous goddess. I thought most of the casting was so sad. Man, a lot of it was bad and seriously worse than I thought. The second half was a little easier to watch. Oh, and I thought Bella was sooo one dimensional and boring.
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