See Kate's Jazz shirt? the Jazz bear was at her school last week and so to show Jazz spirit a very excited Eric went out to buy his girl a Jazz shirt, Kate loves it and said to him in the morning "dad, maybe now me and you should go to a Jazz game and we can both wear our Jazz shirts" so cute!
In the afternoon I saw Kate and Sara like this, they were playing 'mother and child' and Kate being the mother was reading to Sara

And lastly here is Sara eating breakfast, she is not a big breakfast eater and I often struggle to find things she likes to eat in the morning, Kate loves pancakes, Sara says "I hate pancakes" On Sunday I made Welsh Breakfast Cakes from here, Sara loved them, she asks for them each morning, probably not something I will actually make every day but to send Sara off with a full tummy I think they may make an appearance once or twice a week, not to mention you can pop the leftovers in the toaster the next morning on the lowest setting and they come out perfect, my kind of breakfast, quick and easy.
The picture of them reading together is so funny and cute. It shows that you are a good mom. Otherwise when Kate said, "Let's pretend I'm the mom" she could have started yelling and spanking instead of reading to her.
i love the pic of them reading together so cute. Sara is getting so big she is just not a toddler at all. it is so strange how they just emerge as "kids" one day. miss you guys :D
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