Lots been happening but too busy to blog. Kate started a little pre-school class at the Burbank Rec Center, just 1 1/2 hours twice a week, she's been twice and says its fun. Its nice to spend some one on one time with Sara, she loves the park so we play. It rained Friday and Saturday, as the dark clouds rolled in Kate got ready for the rain, boots, jacket and umbrella, and stood outside for about 1/2 hour before the 1st drops fell just waiting and asking every few minutes "is it going to rain? is it raining yet?" then when it finally did she ran around with her arms in the air shouting "Its raining, its raining" they love the rain, it must be the Brit in them, I love the rain too. Whilst it rained there was nothing better to do than fire up my oven and bake rosemary bread. Also a shout out to my fab friends who went out for Indian food with me to celebrate my birthday and for surprising me with a beautiful, shiny new canning pot, once I get 5 spare minutes I am going to go crazy on canning tomato jam and sweet hot peppers.

And sweet Sara, she is now 14 months and does some real cute stuff (along with the crazy wild stuff) she will sign please, thank-you, hot and fold her arms for prayer. She first did all of this stuff about a month ago and then refused to do it again but recently she has started again, this morning I sat with her and I prayed over our breakfast, after I finished she looked at me and folded her arms to pray, it was so cute. She is getting so big and I am slowly realising that my little baby is growing up so fast.
Nothing cuter.
Hey Claire. So cute picts. So fun to have rain here once in a while. Hey, I was going through my halloween stuff and we have your ladybug costume. Do you want it? Hey, you'll have to let me know when the next sign-ups are for burbank rec classes. I would love to sign up Dallas for next time. K--have a good day!
I love the rain, it's such a nice break from everything! Those girls are getting big fast.
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