A little of what the Thompson's are up to.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thoughts for NieNie

Friday, August 22, 2008
Baby Wise
I had the privilege of taking the Wises' dinner after the arrival of little Noah. I don't believe that all babies are born beautiful, mine were of course, but let me tell you this, he is one handsome little man. I got to hold him and watch his little expressions and that adorable way newborns smile and look like they are almost giggling in their sleep. He really is gorgeous, call Jane Olsen and sign up to take Jen dinner just so you can go check him out. Good job Wises' he's perfect.
Monday, August 18, 2008
another recommendation

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I am a woman of many projects, I like to have something to keep me occupied, I love to scrapbook but I've been taking a break from that and have been dabbling in a little sewing of late. The first thing I made was a quiet book and yesterday I made aprons for the girls, and a chefs hat for Kate, because every baker needs a hat!! I must say a big thank-you to Emily, we watched the opening ceremonies at their place and I kinda raided her fabric stash whilst we were there, thanks Emily.
Best thing about the aprons, aside from being good for baking in, last night we had noodles and sauce for dinner, it can be a messy dinner and I made the girls wear their aprons, its like a giant bib!!
Here is my sewing machine, up until now I have been borrowing my sister-in-laws but recently I met this super cute girl at a baby shower (who's name was Claire) and she was saying she just got a new sewing machine and I could have her old one, I took her up on her most generous offer and its just perfect, I love it!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
cute room

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Cleansing give-away
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cleansing quote, my weeks inspiration
So this week the girls and I are cleaning our 'castle', I have been irritated lately by my messy house, in general Eric and I both dislike clutter but one way or another it begins to sneak in so I decided that this week I'd take a section of the house one day at a time and go from there. Today was my room and bathroom, can you believe these trash bags? one is recycling, one trash and the other donate. In all fairness its not all actually mine and Eric's, there is a lot of the girls junk in our room, anyway, today it became cleansed!! lets hope I can keep it that way.
For inspiration I found this great quote from Peter Walsh a noted international organizational expert (he's even been on Oprah):
Everyone deals with clutter to some degree, whether its clothes bursting out of our closets, boxes that stop us from parking in the garage, bills and paperwork that are spread over the dining room table or kids' toys that seem to cover every square foot of the home. When the stuff we own starts to own us, the message is clear: What we own is stopping us from living the life that should be ours. I'll share a secret with you: If you focus on the stuff as you attempt to get organized you will never succeed. Never!
I learned long ago that the very first step in successfully de-cluttering your home and getting organized is to ask yourself what kind of life you want to be living. What do you want from your life or your home or each room in your home? Only when you have a clear answer to those questions can you then look at what you own and ask, "Does this item move me closer to the life I want or father away from it?" "Does this item help me achieve the life I want or not?"
If it does, hold onto it. If not, what's it doing in your home?
That is my inspiration for the week, I desire to have a relaxing and clean abode that allows me to create my many 'projects', the thing is I don't like to sit down to do anything scrapbook, sew, read, blog, until all is clean and tidy, I am a little weird I don't even like to grocery shop unless I can bring my groceries home to a clean kitchen and fridge. I just can't 100% relax and so I have taken this quote and successfully de-cluttered my bedroom. The biggie for me was the big stack of Ensign's I have not been able to let go of, I feel that I should read them but today I realised they are not helping me achieve the life I want and so out with the old and I kept the most recent 2, a goal I think I can keep on top of. Wish me luck with the rest of the house, there are a few rooms and dark corners I am afraid to tackle!!
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