Last night was rough, Kate had a particularly sore foot (EB related) and rolled around (in my bed) for several hours during the middle of the night moaning in pain. Today my list of things to do is greatly increased by the fact that I didn't do yesterdays and I found myself too tired to do today's, that means tomorrow will be nuts! My friend Julie called me this morning and offered to watch my girls (just because she is nice that way) and that gave me time to run to target and toys r us, two places I don't particularly enjoy taking my kiddos. Anyway, checked off the list is the last of Sara's birthday presents and a gift for Kate's friend, then this afternoon we took butcher paper and made our own wrapping paper for the gift, the last few gifts we have given have been wrapped in Christmas paper, I give myself a pat on the back for being so organized to have a gift already bought and wrapped for Saturday. Now I just need to finish cleaning all of my windows inside and out (1/2 done), vacuum, mop all my floors, scrub down the kitchen and clean the hardwood floors!!

I picked up this little card game today at Target for the bargain price of $3.48 and am happy to report that it is quite cute and lots of fun, we must have spent a good hour playing this today, even Sara can get in on the action.
i sure do love that kate. love that julie too.
bring your kids to my house anytime. i owe you big. i'm available for late nite cleaning too.
You rock sista! That card game looks fun!
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