Lame, lame blogger lately, life is full which is awesome, I have been making a monthly to-do list which is keeping me very busy, full of boring stuff like read this months Ensign, a book for fun, a few chapters from the new President of The Church book (I'm in YW so I don't go to RS), I always include some type of project I need to finish and some crazy house cleaning item, like wipe down all the blinds, anyway, if I have a spare minute I'm usually reading or trying to get something checked off my list. That said I have been loving pinterest, gone are the days of searching blogs for cute ideas, pinterest is awesome, and inspired by Tanya's Christmas Craft post I wanted to prove to anyone following me that I am not all pin and no craft, a lot of times I take several ideas and combine them to make my own like my Christmas Advent Calendar, and I'm not re-posting anything from Christmas but most crafts for that came via pinterest, anyway here are some of my pinterest products:

The candy corn dress was one of the first things I pinned, turned out cute and Sara loved it, one for her and one for her doll.

Big rip across the knee, seriously seam to seam, pinterest had a few cute ideas for patches but naturally this one just appealed to me:)

Kate is getting baptized soon (Apr 14th in Sherman Oaks if anyone is interested in coming), as I was making one towel I decided to go ahead and make other ones that I knew I would need eventually, one for Sara and 2 to give away.

This was for Eric's moms birthday, I wish I had time to tweak it a little before we gave it to her but I barely finished it on her birthday, coincidentally that was also the same day Britain died and the youth were going up to Temple Square that night so we were meeting early, I just sent Eric to get the pictures and finish it up, even so it turned out cute.

This I had wanted to make for a long time, finally got it done just before the new year.

Each month for young women's I am in charge of making a calendar for the beehives so they know what we are doing, obviously I go way overboard but I love to make things and some have turned out super cute, the mummies were for Oct and the calendar was on the back and I made the cards for each of them for their birthdays this year, it has a little pocket that says 'excuse me I need some air' and inside is a balloon that has a handwritten message on it, I did find these two ideas via blogs but the rest are from pinterest. Mayflower for Nov, the sail was the calendar, I made Christmas crackers for Dec, a very British tradition, I even ordered cracker snaps so they would bang when pulled and I put their calendar inside. Snowmen kisses for Jan. No pics of my Feb or March handout but I made the super cute super hero lollipops and made the cape the girls calendar and for March I did pots of gold. I have also delved into some yummy recipes, to name a few, the
Lion House Sweet and Sour Chicken,
Quinoa Burgers,
Root Beer Float Cake,
awesome dinner rolls,
zucchini black bean rice skillet,
mexican chicken casserole,
baked pumpkin oatmeal

These pics have nothing to do with pinterest but I wanted to post them anyway, on the left is my niece opening her mission call to serve in the New England New Hampshire mission, she leave Apr 11th and on the right Kate trying out snowboarding. She went out with grandma to pick herself a birthday present and picked this after seeing kids doing it on the hill where we sled, she loved it and managed to stay up most of the time.