So I rather sheepishly admit that Eric and I eat quite a few of these little babies. We quite like their panini's and pizza's and today I think I may have just found my favourite, the chicken enchilada suiza. I know its terrible to admit that we eat pre-packaged frozen dinners but I limit them to lunch time and I like that they are portioned controlled, usually Eric wants to eat two but if you combine it with a piece of fruit I think it makes for a reasonably healthy light lunch. I also only buy them when they are on sale which is pretty often, they also usually have them at Target for quite cheap too. Anyway, one of my many vices!!
I don't eat them too often these days, but that one is my favorite also. I agree though. It's a lunch meal, not dinner. At least for me anyway. They aren't too bad.
mmm I need to look into that cause I am never too sure what to eat for lunch!
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