So Kate and I had this conversation yesterday.
Kate: I know lets get a baby brother (she kind of says it cute, like bruder)
Me : And what would you call him?
Kate: Xander
Me: Oh, thats nice
Kate: I know lets give this one back to Jesus and get a bruder
Me: Which one?
Kate: Sara
Well lets just say Eric and I aren't quite ready yet for another, which we are actually convinced would be a boy, and unfortunately for Kate we love Sara too much to send her back.
But in the event you were wondering what it would be like to have 5 kids, one a year here are some pics from when I watched Brooke's kids last week. Including my kids the ages were 5, 4, 2 (almost 3), 1 (almost 2) and 11 months. I think it could be possible but maybe not recommended, I am definitely not that ambitious, poor Baylie, I never quite got around to feeding her with all the other chaos. I hope the kids had fun because it was fun, Brooke's kids like to play hard and that suits us because mine do too, check out Sara wrestling Luke and Kate wrestling both.

The choas? well I think my baby would like me better, unfortunately Baylie wasn't to thrilled with me but thats because I don't get to hang out with Brooke too much these days and so she doesn't really know me, plus she had just woken up and was hungry but I was in the midst of feeding the other kids, mopping up spilt drink and trying to keep my little streaker kid under control. Note: see Sara taking off her pants? Its her new thing to strip herself of pants and diaper and so we are making an attempt at potty training because thats the only other option when you aren't wearing a diaper.