Wow! I'm on a roll, two projects in 2 days, I'm not sure that this technically counts as a project as they are what Kate is handing out to her class tomorrow in celebration of her birthday, but anytime you make 30 of something I think it should count as as project. Doughnuts was the other option but when I saw this idea I couldn't resist and Kate really liked it too so tomorrow she will be handing out little pots of gold to her classmates. I modified it a little and went for just a round tag that says "Happy St. Patrick's Day".

darling idea. i'm thinking that is a really cool bday to have. you are not a wuss. i have yet to pop any blisters on my girls yet. you are tough
Way cute idea!!!! Happy birthday to Kate!!
I stopped by to say happy birthday to Kate!! Hope she has a great day. Her pots of gold are so cute.
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