I'm a little late on my Easter post, we had a good day, my plan was to do our egg hunt after church, the day began with these cute eggs from playmobil that had a toy inside.

Church isn't until 1pm and as the girls were completely ready and ancy to hunt for more eggs we ended up doing the Easter egg hunt before church, it was lots of fun.

This is not at all related, when I was primary president we gave a towel like this to each child turning 8. I lucked out because my super talented 2nd counselor made them all, I think she free handed the CTR and did a tight zigzag stitch around the letters, she made about 8 of them in an hour, its fairly inexpensive too because a plain white towel is only a few dollars and she used scrap fabric for the letters, they were super cute and so I wanted to make one for my friend in England (the one who introduced me to the gospel) who has a daughter turning 8 this month. I used this idea, I really need friends to sew with, I was having problems sewing mine, problems with the machine, needle, material who knows what, it took me about 3 hours. I'm pleased with how it turned out though, I just hope it arrives in time!

1 comment:
Towels turned out amazing and I LOVE your girls dresses!!
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