So day two didn't bring anything as exciting as hiking the Y, the girls wanted to go swimming and so that was pretty much our outing of the day. During spring break or any holiday from school for that matter my kids I'm sure are like most others in the fact that they want to watch TV and play video games to their hearts desire, I'm not opposed to either of these but if I allowed it I'm sure these activities would begin as soon as they woke up, in order to delay this as much possible I make the girls a chore chart. I'm not great at giving my girls chores, I never had chores growing up but I have come up with somethings that I want them to do each day, their chores aren't all that difficult, some are just good habit forming things like saying their morning prayers (we usually do a family prayer in the morning but I am bad at having them kneel by their bed an saying their own individual prayer), brushing their teeth and some are things that I want to get done like walk the dog, tidying up the bathroom and wiping down the counters, making their beds and some are just things they need to do before TV like reading for 20 mins (for Kate) and practicing letters for Sara. I did add a few things that I haven't done before that I want the girls to start doing like set the table for dinner and clear the table and wipe it (if they finish everything else they can watch TV or play the wii before these chores as these can only happen right at dinner time), so far so good, another I added is for one of then each day to help prepare dinner, here is a picture of Sara peeling sweet potatoes for dinner, she really liked doing it and did amazing and yes she made a mess but it swept up in no time once she was done.

So anyway, like I said its not really stuff they have to do, I like them playing together and if they do that for a few hours in the morning and don't get their chores done until 3pm so be it, the only consequence of not doing their chores is no TV or video games until they do, yesterday (yeah only day 2) Kate announced she wasn't doing her chores that day, fine with be but by 6pm she was scrambling to get them done because she wanted to play the wii for a little while.
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