Bella Cullen

Oh and also me!! Yes, yes its my birthday but (have you read Twilight yet? if not, go get it, its brilliant.) I seem to have more in common with Bella than just a birthday, I also dislike gatherings of people that is centered around moi, I also happen to be in love with an amazing man who is handsome, selfless, an amazing kisser.... and who loves me even though he is way better than I am. He also threw me a party, it was supposed to be a surprise but I kinda figured out over the last few days he was planning something and then last night our little Sara had croup so the cat really had to come out of the bag as we couldn't really let a bunch of unsuspecting persons into our house with a sick 2yr old. Anyway, a few still came and Amber and Gina did some amazing decorations and we ended up eating to much cake and playing cards, it was actually tons of fun and Sara is feeling better. Here she is in all her glory with the big shiner she got a week ago, it was Sara vs the coffee table and she came out of that one a little banged up but that too is way better.

So another year, I have decided that today is the day I should make my resolutions as this is when my new year begins, so I am re-dedicating myself to my goals made at the beginning of the year. Thanks to everyone who braved our house, your all amazing and I'm grateful to count you as my friends. mmmmm... just re-read that, must work on my grammar, to many really and so's, too tired tonight will work on that for the next post.
Happy birthday, Claire! Wish we could have been there to help you celebrate.
SURPRISE! That's me yelling "surprise" had I actually been there for your surprise party that ended up not being a surprise party after-all, but a small get-together. Was that confusing? Ha! Yes, I'm sorry I didn't make it, but I really thought of you that night. I told Eric he should get major points for a husband that actually is sweet enough to throw his wife a nice birthday party. You're lucky to have him . . . and he's lucky to have you, Claire! You are a wonderful person. Happy birthday!
Happy B-day Claire!!!!
happy birthday, m'dear!
Happy Happy Birthday! It was so fun to decorate and see you. The food was super great also!
I know I already told you this but I really do wish I could've come to wish you a Happy Birthday! I had totally forgotten about the Bella connection! Wicked!
Happy Belated B-day! So sad that I missed it. Since mine is on the 11th, maybe next time I can find it somewhere in my mind grapes to remember.
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