Meet Kate, she is my amazing 4yr old, she loves life, she has
Epidermolysis Bullosa or
EB for short. EB has been called
"THE worst DISEASE YOU NEVER HEARD OF" its rare and we are very, very lucky that Kate's is mild but occasionally she still suffers. We tell her she is special and sometimes she will tell me that she doesn't want to be special anymore. She is also brave and rarely complains. Anyway, its time again to sign up at Ralphs for community contribution, all you have to do is take a few minutes to sign up and every time you shop using your Ralphs Reward card they will donate money to your charity. Click here to sign up for the Community Contribution program (you will need your Ralphs Card #) and the NPO # for EB Medical Research Foundation is 81963.
thank you for the detailed info on how to do it, it is done! :)
U got it girl!
I'm all over it! Kate sure is cute!
I signed up too! I didn't realize that Ralphs had a program like this.
I WISH we had Ralphs up here. Let me know if there are any other Grocery store chains that participate (we have Safeway and QFC). We'd love to help.
BTW, is Sara still 1? J/K Just a friendly hello about changing their pics on the side of your blog and updating your girls info. I would love to know more about their current favorite things! Thanks!!! :)
Sending you hugs. I can so relate. You're such a good mama.
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