Just finished the whole saga, from Twilight to Breaking dawn in about a week, couldn't put it down. Thanks Gina and Charlene for lending my the books, thanks Eric for letting me read so much. I really do have a great husband, he looked at me one night and said "what is this book about?" he picked up Twilight and began reading it. He finished it and is now on New Moon, he said it was good until it got too sappy!! being a woman, I loved it, it did get on my nerves in some places but over all brilliant, just brilliant, a wonderful read to escape into.
i agree. nothing like a little no brainer reading to enjoy yourself. bring it on stephenie
You are the FASTEST reader ever! I still haven't read Breaking Dawn yet because I'm trying to finish her other book The Host before I read that one and it's taking me forever! I'm only on page 200 in The Host. Dan read the Twilight Series too, so he's right there with Eric. They are great "junk food" books!
I am so glad you liked them. We'll have to continue our "discussion" of Breaking Dawn. Can't wait to hear what you thought!
I'm so impressed you read those so quick.. they are totally addicting.
Totally - We'll have to have a huge crazy girls night when the movie comes out! I've read one book a week this past month. Loved them!
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