A little of what the Thompson's are up to.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My favourite place

Yesterday was low key, we got back from London late and so the girls slept in, did some errands and then I took the girls for a walk up Holcombe Hill, its one of my favourite places, peaceful, quiet and the scenery is beautiful. Atop Holcombe hill is Peel Monument, its was built as a memorial to Sir Robert Peel a 19th century British Prime Minister best remembered as the creator of the modern British Police Force who was born in Bury, it can be seen for miles away as you come down the motorway into Bury. Anyway, we had a fun walk up to the top and played around the tower before coming home.
If you look closely you may just see the girls as they took a little break on the steps of the tower.
Here is the view from the back (looking south) as the tower looks over Bury and the street picture below is Holcombe Village, which I guess if I could live anywhere is where I would be, quaint and peaceful surrounded by beauty.
These are my brothers entertaining the girls, Uncle James and Uncle Peter.


brookeisacrazylady said...

can i just say how much i've enjoyed reading your blog while you've been england? plus its like in real time stead of a week later. how cool. would love to someday meet your brothers.

Brent and Emily said...

I LOVE the English countryside. So peaceful.