A little of what the Thompson's are up to.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 10 - Underwood Farms

Today we headed out to Underwood Family Farms. I really love the area out there, its peaceful and quite pretty. The sun was warm and we spent a fun couple of hours checking out the animals, Kate's friend Keaton came along and they had so much fun playing and running around. The goats have a really fun enclosure, its actually two enclosures connected by these wooden ramps, its pretty cool to see the goats walking along them.

There is this wooden train that all the kids just love to run around on and climb about.

They all did a pony ride, maybe a year ago we went with Luke and Darby who both did a pony ride, Kate got onto a pony, freaked out and had to get off so they gave me her tickets back and so we got to use them today and she really enjoyed it, even Sara did O.K.

As you go in you can buy these bags of carrots to feed to the animals for $1 a bag, we got each kid a bag and they then put them down these plastic tubes which go into the animals enclosures. Keaton I think ate most of his carrots, his philosophy was 1 for the animals, 1 for me!!

Then we went to Grecco's NY pizza for a late lunch and each had a slice of pizza as big as our heads.

Oh and if you can, remember Julie in your prayers, she wasn't feeling too hot today and still showed up for the primary practice, she is supposed to head out to Utah tomorrow and I swear she always seems to get sick whenever she has planned something fun. Julie is one of the most driven and energetic people I know (she has finished 2 tri-athalons) and yet suffers from some debilitating migraines, I am kind of a lazy slob and healthy as an ox, it just doesn't seem fair.


brookeisacrazylady said...

Your dad is so cute. How much fun, good thing you are going there soon after, because it will be wierd after this long trip. Tell him to move here!

Gina and Jon said...

You guys are having way too much fun without me, Day 10 you must be worn out!